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Farm Fresh

The latest from Silverholme

Lamb with livestock guardian alpacas - rotational grazing

Livestock Guardian Alpacas and Llamas

Jun 18, 2024
Is a livestock guardian alpaca or llama the right choice for your farm or homestead?
Livestock Guardian Donkey with herd of goats

Livestock Guardian Donkey

Jun 18, 2024
Is a livestock guardian donkey the right choice for your farm or homestead?
Lamb in the grass

Lambing Kit: 10 Essential Items You Must Have

Jun 11, 2024
Include these 10 must have items in your lambing kit for a more organised and less stressful lambing season.
Garlic cloves peel ready for planting

How to Grow Garlic

Jun 7, 2024
Easy to grow, nearly pest free, requires minimal space – read all about how to grow garlic while reducing your grocery bill.
Butternut pumpkins

Pumpkin Problems, Pests and Diseases

May 20, 2024
An easy to grow fruit and staple of most kitchen gardens; what are the most common pumpkin problems and how do I fix them?

In the Garden

Latest news from the kitchen garden

Homesteading by Season

Each season brings a different pace to the farm





I’m Andrew

I’m a small-scale farmer in rural Victoria, Australia, living off-grid, cultivating food and raising meat.

I was a big city dweller working a nine to five corporate job with little to no time to make deeper connections with the things I’m passionate about. In particular; food. Not just the food on our table but how the food got there.

Food plays an incredibly important role in our lives. It brings us together, we use it to both celebrate special occasions and provide comfort in tougher times. It’s a cornerstone of the worlds cultures and a connection between strangers. Food provides the nutrition we need to survive. Yet we are disconnected with where our food comes from, how it is produced and how it is treated.

Our small farm in rural Victoria, once a blank canvas of mixed pasture, is my connection to the land and where our food comes from. Our acreage is home to a mixed flock of poultry, a mob of sheep, a herd of cattle, a tribe of goats and the occasional team of pigs. It hosts a productive kitchen garden and a fruitful orchard.

In the homestead, along with myself, you’ll find my husband, Matthew, our son, Jensen, our cat, Shelby and our terrier, Pippa.

This is our nirvana.

Welcome to Silverholme

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